Sorry I've been so remiss in blogging. Life has been a bit of a rollercoaster lately, but I think the track is beginning to level out. (I did just say that out loud, so if you don't hear from me again, you'll know what happened.)
What's been going on since the last time I wrote a blog post??
*I went to visit a friend in Colorado (
*I dance as often as I can.
*Drawing: InkTober sounded like such a great idea at the beginning of the month, but now I'm just counting down the days until November. (ttps://
*Editing Kellen
*Plotting Jenna for NaNoWriMo
For the next couple weeks (or however long it takes) I plan to get my proposal written and looking quite spiffy. That includes the first three chapters of Kellen to attach to the proposal.
After that I'm going to start scouting out agents to send it to (if you know of any good ones, let me know!) and start emailing my proposal to see if I can pick up an agent that way. I've heard it's really hard to get accepted as an unpublished author this way, but I figure it's worth a try anyway. It can't hurt and I might just get lucky.
Starting in 2016 I hope to begin attending writer's conferences, since this is a more reliable way to get agents, editors, and publishers interested... plus I've heard the conferences are very educational and a lot of fun. :) Who doesn't want to go spend a weekend learning about writing and hanging out with authors?! (Again, if you know of any conferences that are really good, I'd love to hear about them!)
I'll be posting my publishing progress here on my blog in the upcoming months. I'm super excited to finally be starting this process in earnest and I hope some of my experiences will prove helpful to anyone else looking to get published. I'm always interested to hear from my readers, so if you are published and have tips for me, or are just starting out and have any questions that I might be able to answer for you along the way, please leave a comment!
So, yep. That's pretty much it! I better get back to my proposal... and editing, and saving my money... :)
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