like to think, that we are special out of the box little people that
roam the world, we are the artist and adventurer who as much as we
like being thought of as single individuals are the second largest
group of introverts that exist...which we don’t find that terribly
exciting because, well, naturally we’d rather be a unique rare
know for myself, the things that I cherish are harmony, creativity,
beauty and little pockets of adventure.
you first meet me I am like a jack in the box. I am there but you
certainly don’t see me, you might hear slips and blips about who I
might be, but nothing really shows, it’s because I am getting to
know you and then BAM! Personality pops out, it might surprise you,
and you might wish that I had stayed in the box, because now, you
never know what may come out.
opinions isn’t one of the things I do best, it takes a lot of
introspection and thinking to come up with an idea I feel like
sharing, I seem to float along the river enjoying the ride, but what
is really happening is I am taking in several layers of information
and analyzing it, filtering, weighing it against my values and the
people around me, and it may be hours, days, or even weeks before I
come out with an opinion, that I am usually pretty ready to stand by
and defend, because it’s been sounded out, and makes sense...at
least to me, though usually how I came to it is probably well,
unethical. However giving an on the spot answer isn’t something I
do well and you will usually get an answer that isn’t through and
keeps me banging my head against the wall for hours wishing I had
said something different.
watching or reading is one thing I like to do, but it can be very
difficult as well. Sometimes I can understand different personality
languages, and when they misunderstand each other, it erupts harmony
and causes all kinds of trouble, and then trouble builds up in us as
well as we watching things escalate and there is nothing we can do!
things will frequently build up inside, dreams, desires, goals,
plans, aspirations slowly create themselves and evolve under my
little thinking cap and then burst out with at least an idea or a
fully laid out plan of execution. We are dreamers but also doers.
Because what is the point of DREAMING of something if you don’t
plan on doing it? I am not a huge fan of sitting on my hands doing
nothing unless a thought is growing, I love to watch it evolve and
twist and grow and then when it’s ready, so am I to just go where
it takes us.
are something I would have never taken as a child, but they are
things I find more interesting as I grow older, the risk of being a
published author...it seemed scary but to me the benefits of
publishing my writing far outweighed the bad that could possibly
happen. Sometimes it shows up in a game of Jenga where I’ll take
the more risky blocks...just to see what happens. I know that 90
times out of 10 it will probably fall, but there is that chance that
is driven by my curiosity, and it’s only a game of Jenga. And in my
case my interest and love of Asia took over and I found it worth the
risk to travel half way around the world to be an English teacher.
that tick us off:
dream no do. I mean where is the adventure if you’re not willing to
take a few risks and stick your neck out a limb? Needless to say it
must be
that tickle us:
you pick up a hint of something we are interested and dying to share
and are just ready to burst our buttons off with all kinds of things
that have been brewing for the past several months.
and quiet...and a little daydreaming of course.

Jessica Greyson is a middle child of three, published author of two and Daughter of the One and Only God. She loves her family, books, her characters, old fashioned weaponry, quiet and adventure. You can find her at www.jessicagreyson.com and her books on amazon.